How to use HDDScan 4.1

Allows you to perform fine diagnostics of the hard drive and more. RAID array servers, SSD and USB drives are supported. Can test for errors (Bad blocks and bad sectors), show SMART attributes and even change some parameters.

This article will tell you how to use HDDScan 4.1. It is not necessary to stick to one version. The main sections include viewing SMART attributes and testing. Using the HDDScan program, I checked the hard drive for bad sectors, what should I do…

Check the hard disk surface

Actually, to start the check, select the drive and click TESTS. Here you can choose the most suitable one. Optimal disk error check – test READ and press ADD TEST (right arrow) The test will be added to your TEST MANAGER (arrow below)…

#Read and Write Tests
(Read Data Without Transfer)
Reading data without transmission. The internal buffer of the drive is used.
(Read Data To the Host)
Reading data to the host. Transferring and checking data, measuring the operation time.
(Read Data To the Host With Seeks)
Pairwise read-pass check. The first block is the last; the second is the second-to-last…
(Write Special Pattern Destructive!)
Overwrites data blocks, measuring the operation time. Data will be lost.

Diagnostic results. Let’s try to figure it out using the example of a 10-year-old Samsung HD105SI 1TB HDD drive. The speed is consistently decreasing on the test graph. There are no sharp drops or unevenness. Such speeds will not lead to slow loading.

What about the multi-colored blocks? The presence of gray, green and even orange indicates normal disk operation. Red blocks (500 ms) can be scary, but if these delays are up to 1.0 s, it is generally bearable. But BADs blocks should make you think about replacing the hard drive.

HDDScan SMART Report Section

Experienced users will be able to determine the status of the drive using SMART attributes. The program allows you to view and even save them. If you are interested, then watch the short transcript. But direct testing is a more reliable result…

Number Name Transcript
001 Raw Read Error Rate The attribute displays the frequency of read errors.
002 Throughput performance Overall Hard Drive Performance
003 Spin Up Time Time to reach operating speed
004 Start/Stop Count Number of disk on/off cycles
005 Reallocation Sector Count Displays the number of reassigned sectors.
007 Seek Error Rate Magnetic Head Block Movement Error Rate
008 Seek time Perfomance Average performance of the positioning system
009 Power-On Hours Count Indicates the operating time of the drive
010 Spin Retry Count Shows the number of spindle restarts
011 Recalibration Retries Number of recalibration request repetitions
012 Device Power Cycle Count Full drive power on/off cycles
191 G-sense Rate/Servo tracking Errors caused by shocks or impacts
192 Emergency Retract Count Number of sudden disk power on/offs
194 HDA Temperature Shows the operating temperature of the disk
195 Hardware ECC Recovered Hardware error correction number of the disk
196 Reallocation Event Count Displays the number of sector remapping operations.
197 Current Pending Errors Count Sectors that differ in reading from stable sectors
198 Uncorrectable Errors Count Number of unrecoverable errors when accessing a sector
199 UltraDMA CRC Errors Errors that occur during data transfer through the external interface
200 Write Error Rate Total number of write errors
223 Load Retry Count Unloading/loading magnetic head unit after unsuccessful attempt
225 Load Cycle Count Cycles of moving the block to the parking area


Actually, HDDScan allows you to check your hard drive for bad sectors. Similar to the more well-known Victoria HDD/SSD program. This is probably the most important function for most. The average user does not need to bother with deciphering SMART attributes

Last section TOOLS has some more controls. For example, DRIVE ID — reading identification data of the selected disk. Subsection FEATURES – Setting up the drive and controls. And SMART TESTS – This is a performance test.

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